"We serve children by crafting natural playscapes that inspire self discovery." – mission

Dane County Parks was looking to add natural playscape style features to some of their parks with the goal of sustainable development.
he treehouse deck is accessible via several climbing features including a custom net climber, climbing wall and step ladder. Simple, elegant, and impactful, the CamRock playscape meets all ASTM, CPSC, IPEMA, and ADA standards for materials, design, and workmanship required for this public access municipal park in Dane County, WI.

Selecting this quiet county park, outside Cambridge, Wisconsin, the playscape at CamRock park was created to compliment the park’s existing conventional play equipment. Nestled beneath a grove of Honey Locust trees, GRG playscapes used locally sourced Black Locust wood and native Wisconsin stone to create a dramatic log climber, stump and boulder balance course.